Sub-Standard A
When faced with a science-related problem, decide what evidence, models, or explanations previously studied can be used to better understand what is happening now
Using resources to find answers is something that I learned early on in life. In school, we would be asked a question where we would need to look back at graphs or facts to figure out what the answer is. This standard is met a lot throughout school in other areas such as math. For example, when you need to look at a graph to see how much money someone has made at a certain time. We are also still meeting this standard by learning more about history to see that it is repeating itself, such as how the depression happened and now the economy is becoming worse.
Sub-Standard B
Use encyclopedias, source books, texts, computers, teachers, parents, other adults, journals, popular press, and various other sources, to help answer science-related questions and plan investigations
Again, using these resources has been something that has been taught to me since middle school. I have grown up in a time where the information that I need can be found on the internet. This can be a good thing and a bad thing because then I don’t get as much practice using other resources such as the encyclopedia and source books. Although I have met this standard a long time ago, I am still working on using every different type of resource to its greatest ability.
Sub-Standard C
Use data they have collected to develop explanations and answer questions generated by investigations
In class we met this standard when we did the experiments on males versus females on different tests. We collected data from the different experiments and then we used them to explain if there was a difference between females and males when it came to certain tasks, such as threading a needle. We then used this data to answer questions about the experiment and what we thought about our hypothesis and the actual results.
Sub-Standard D
Observe and describe physical events in objects at rest or in motion
Back in middle school, we needed to make a roller coaster (obviously on a smaller scale!) that would have certain ups and downs along with other qualifications. This was a really fun project! I made the “track” out of some plastic tubing and the moving object was a beebee. This was a lot of fun to see the beebee go so fast through the loops and around the turns, especially when I would blow in one end to make it go faster! This helped me to see what that object could do when it was going through the motions after being so still at the beginning.
Sub-Standard E
Describe the weather commonly found in Wisconsin in terms of clouds, temperature, humidity, and forms of precipitation, and the changes that occur over time, including seasonal changes
All throughout school and life we talk about the weather. This is just a common subject that is brought up almost every day. Although, I can say that I met this standard when I was in grade school when we would talk about what it is like outside. We would say if it is cloudy, sunny, or rainy. We would mention the temperature, such as hot or cold, and we would talk about the seasons. This is something that is learned very early and noticed very easily.
Sub-Standard F
Illustrate* the different ways that organisms grow through life stages and survive to produce new members of their type
In a summer school class in grade school, I remember going on a walk around town to find the leaves that had caterpillar eggs on them. We kept the leaf in a jar and waited for it to form into a caterpillar, then a cocoon, and then into a butterfly. It was a fun experience that lasted all summer and I learned a lot about the caterpillar’s life stages.
Sub-Standard G
Discover* what changes in technology have occurred in a career chosen by a parent, grandparent, or an adult friend over a long period of time
I remember when my grandpa would tell me stories about when he was a mail man and he and his coworkers would have to sort all the mail and deliver it on bikes. This sounds ancient now! I can’t believe how far this simple task has come. Now, there are machines that sort the mail and there are cars, trucks, and airplanes that deliver mail. This seems to have made a very large change because of technology.
Sub-Standard H
Describe* how science and technology have helped, and in some cases hindered, progress in providing better food, more rapid information, quicker and safer transportation, and more effective health care
I think that we have grown up in a time where we learned throughout life that there is food that is made in a “fake” way because of technology and science. We have also learned through many experiences that we can get our information quicker by using technology. This includes cell phones and computers. This is something that we learned in school and in everyday life. Because we grew up in this time, we don’t know what it is like to not have quick transportation. We are used to cars, trains, planes, etc. Finally, we learned a lot about our health care by going to the doctor throughout our childhood. We also learned a bit in school about doctors and things like that.